Step-Change Cities Partnership
A cross-system partnership to trial a far-sighted approach to leading transformational urban change in rapidly growing community.
Partnership with purpose
Achieving sustainable urban growth requires a step-change from today’s urban identity and a transition leadership approach that prepares, equips and supports the community, organisations and key stakeholders to successfully navigate urban change.
Studio THI is co-creating a suite of sector-leading tools and programs to support practitioners in leading the transformation of rapidly changing communities. In a recent pilot program this approach resulted in a 36% positive shift in support for urban change and an increased community desire to participate in the transition journey.
We want to partner with the sector to co-create and further refine the tools and programs, identify other pilot program opportunities, share knowledge & learnings across the sector, and identify practitioner skills gaps in bringing communities along on the urban change journey.
The 10-month partnership will be powered by Studio THI and brought to life by 3 high-growth LGAs and their residents, and sector partners including state governments, professional advisory firms, developers, universities and peak bodies.
Communities who are knowledgeable about urban growth are more supportive of change and more willing to participate in the transition journey.
Partnership objectives.
Build the urban change literacy of people living in high-growth communities.
Target participation of 250 people in each trial location and specifically reaching those who do not usually participate in public engagement programs including young people, busy families and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Test and refine the step-change approach, tools & programs.
Further test and refine the tools and programs Studio THI has already developed and identify other pilot program opportunities.
Showcase sector leadership.
Develop case studies exploring the impact of the step-change approach in trial locations, and share knowledge and learnings with the sector more broadly through conference presentations and research publications.
Identify practitioner skills development needs.
Build the urban transition leadership capabilities of partner teams, define practitioner skills strengths and gaps and identify skills development opportunities.
Shape a community of practice.
Build a cross-sector and multi-state community of practice on urban change literacy; sharing ideas, experiences and global examples while contributing to the development of sector-leading tools and programs.
Shape an advocacy agenda for the transformational change leadership needs.
Develop an evidence base of community, organisational, and key stakeholders transition requirements and supports needed to build knowledge, desires and leadership capabilities for sustainable urban change.
Studio THI is convening a cross-system partnership of leading organisations representing the urban change system, bringing complementary knowledge, networks and capabilities to achieve a far-sighted and innovative approach to urban change.
Step-Change Partners
Place Partners
Rapidly growing and changing local government areas providing access to their community and organisation and in-kind and financial contribution
Understand your community’s urban change readiness and build its urban change literacy
Define an Urban Transition Leadership Strategy for your city
Develop the transition leadership capabilities of your agency
Shape an advocacy agenda for the transformational change leadership needs of rapidly changing cities and communities
Sector Partners
State government, developers, professional advisory firms, universities providing in-kind and financial contribution
Participate in a sector-leading initiative addressing our shared challenge of limited community trust in the urban change system
Shape the community narrative on your sector’s specific role in urban change
Build your team’s urban transition leadership capabilities
Knowledge Partners
Peak bodies, universities & not-for-profits providing in-kind contribution and access to networks
Shape professional practice and thought leadership on urban transitions in communities.
Participate in a sector-leading initiative addressing our shared challenge of limited community trust in the urban change system
Shape the community narrative on your sector’s specific role in urban change
Contribute sector-specific knowledge and insights.